Bylaws of the Elk Horn Public Library Board of Trustees, hereafter referred to as the Board.
Board Meetings:
The Board shall meet monthly at the Elk Horn Public Library.
A quorum shall consist of 3 members (from its total membership of 5 trustees).
The Board shall comply with Iowa's Open Meeting law by printing and publicly posting a copy of its agenda 24 hours prior to the meeting.
The Board shall record its proceedings as minutes and shall keep copies of the minutes available for public inspection.
The Director of the Elk Horn Public Library shall be present and participating at each meeting of the Board.
The Board will conduct its meeting according to parliamentary procedure as detailed in the latest edition of Robert's Rule of Order.
Officers and Committees:
Officers shall be the Board president, secretary and treasurer and shall be elected at the January meeting.
The president shall preside at all meetings, appoints all committees, and generally performs all duties associated with the office. In the absence of the president, the secretary shall assume the president's duties. The secretary shall record all proceedings of the Board. The treasurer is responsible for the memorial fund which includes keeping track of donations, acknowledging gifts, and writing notes to the families.
Major Functions:
Hire and evaluate the library director.
Set salaries and benefits for the library's personnel.
Participate in the budget process and secure adequate financial support for the library's operations and services.
Set policies for the library's operations and services.
Engage in planning for the library's future.
Evaluate service and advocate for advancements.
Ensure library director, staff, and trustees participate in education and training.
Ensure participation in meeting public library service standards.
These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Board with a quorum present, by a unanimous vote of the members present.
Adopted By Board Trustees:
January 2006
February 2009
February 2013
October 2018
January 2020
February 2023